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  • Europe Embraces Chaos As It All Falls Down - Stoic Markets

Europe Embraces Chaos As It All Falls Down - Stoic Markets

Think the current political and economic state of the United States is bad? Well perhaps this report on Europe will ease your concerns to show maybe things aren’t as bad as they could be…“The French” Riot Beyond What We’ve Seen In Decades

Over in France, despite GDP rising 1.2% from 4Q 2019 prior to COVID-19, the political climate could not be worse with riots beginning for a second time this year over the shooting of a 17-year-old teenager earlier this week.

The police officer has now been charged with murder, but that has done nothing to quell riots that have erupted.

There has now been almost an entire week of street violence and looting. The government has mobilised 45,000 police officers across the country, including over 5,000 in Paris to quell the rioting which just last night resulted in over 2,560 fires being lit across the country.

Entire buildings have been burnt down, thousands of cars have been stolen, and many set alight.

Amazingly, for the first 5 days of violence the Police in France offered no real resistance to the rioters, and allowed them to operate with practical immunity.

Perhaps they believed this would all “burn itself out”, but that clearly hasn’t been the case. The worst example of lawlessness I’ve come across was a gun store in France which was looted by rioters, who then paraded the streets firing fully automatic weapons into the air.

Surely this would warrant a heavily armed Police response, or more likely even the Armed Forces being deployed to defend innocent lives? Apparently not in France, as the authorities have barely even mentioned the heavily armed thugs parading through cities every night with firearms in their possession.

As if the riots weren’t enough, the lack of a Police response has forced local people to defend their homes from these baseless attacks, leading to confrontations between vigilantes and criminals.

Eventually this all must have become too much for the authorities to stomach, because last night internet access across France dropped off a cliff, and French riot Police finally turned up on scene, ready to return the country to peace and civility.

While this is a welcome turn of events, the problems we are witnessing did not start one week ago. France is being torn apart by two sides, and with millions of new immigrants every year, the divide is only getting stronger.

In times like these, remaining informed and knowledgable is as important as ever, and email newsletters are the only platform today that is immune from censorship and mainstream political controls.


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